In 11 years I've never seen so much life here at Neighborly Lane. It's like a Disney cartoon. Bunnies are hopping everywhere (four were on the back lawn last night) butterflies flicker by (too fleeting to catch in a photo, sadly) and deer of all ages wander through eating what the bunnies leave behind. And yet, no owls. The one hawk we've seen was a red tail eating something other than a bunny. Thank god. Stuff is growing like crazy too. Countless Foxgloves with many offspring for next year. We even have new weeds I've never seen before. Not a treat, but bad with the good, I guess. We've been working like field hands (bless them, what a horrible job) just trying to get grass to grow on the east side of the house. Tearing out the tree stumps was a hell of a lot more fun than hand picking endless, truly endless supplies of weeds and rocks while spreading more and more seed on the deadest earth (a worm wouldn't survive in this dirt, it couldn't even tunnel into it) we've ever seen. Water simply runs off the packed clay (self-packing, roto-tilling simply churned up more rocks) and consolidates the grass seed at the bottom of the hill.